Table of Contents

  1. Background
  2. Collection of personal information by us
  3. Where your personal information is stored
  4. How your personal information is stored
  5. How your personal information will be used
  6. Exchange of personal information with third parties
  7. Use and disclosure of personal information by us
  8. Employment Applications
  9. Collection of information other than personal information
  10. Site visit information
  11. Cookies
  12. Collection of personal information from children
  13. Access and correction of your personal information
  14. Site Security Policy
  15. Method of Sale
  16. Complaints
  17. Updates to Privacy Policy
  18. Further information
  19. Privacy Officer Contact Details

Brisbane Central Futsal recognizes the importance of privacy issues. This Privacy Policy briefly tells you how we manage the personal information that we collect, use, hold and disclose and how to contact us if you have any queries. We are committed to complying with current privacy laws to taking all reasonable measures to protect your privacy.

By visiting our website and/or providing personal information to us, you consent to the terms and conditions in this Privacy Policy unless you tell us to the contrary by contacting our Privacy Officer using the contact details that appear below.

1. Background

Personal information is information or an opinion, in any form and whether true or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion.

Sensitive information encompasses health information and information about a person’s race, ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of political, professional or trade associations, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual preferences and criminal history. Sensitive information may only be collected if you consent to it or when required by law. We will assume that, unless you tell us otherwise, you have consented to the collection of the information that you have provided to us for use in accordance with this Privacy Policy which may vary from time to time.

In this policy, we refer collectively to personal information and sensitive information as personal information. We only collect the personal information we reasonably require, in the course of our business of providing services, in accordance with this Privacy Policy by lawful, fair and non-intrusive means.

2. Collection of personal information by us

The kinds of personal information we collect and store, will depend on what products and services you request from us. However, it may include (amongst other things):

  • personal information you give us when you request a product or service from us. This information may include your intended tour, tournament or competition, your merchandising requirements and sizes and whether you are male or female or are an adult or a child;
  • personal information you give us when you make a purchase. This information may include your name, address, telephone numbers, email address, credit card details and passport details. It may also include the name of your team, team coach or manager and names of team members.
  • communications between you and us;
  • information about your use of our products and services (for example your feedback on how you experienced our services);

3. Where your personal information is stored

Where we store your personal information depends on what products and services you have requested from us. However, some areas may include (amongst other things):

  • Our online registration system for use of processing transactions, providing confirmation of registration, being aware of any special circumstances and confirming an identity
  • Feedback databases for processing customer feedback
  • Email databases for the purpose of communicating with our customers
  • Spreadsheet databases with registration details for specific competitions

For further information on how we use your information, check Use and disclosure of personal information by us.

4. How your personal information is stored

We take reasonable steps to preserve your personal information from loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure in accordance with the Brisbane Central Futsal Web Site Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy.

We review developments in security and on-line security technologies. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Accordingly, although we strive to protect such information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or from our online products or services and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we take reasonable steps to preserve the security of the information in our own systems.

If a substantial data breach has or may have occurred (i.e. your personal information was shared with unauthorised entities), we will promptly notify you and the Privacy Commissioner about that actual or possible breach.

We only keep your personal information for as long as it is required for the purpose for which it was collected or as otherwise required by law. We take appropriate measures to destroy or permanently de-identify your personal information when we no longer need to retain it. These measures may vary depending on the type of personal information concerned, the way it was collected and how it is stored.

5. How your personal information will be used

We collect your personal information so that we can use it for our functions and activities and to provide services to you, which include, amongst other things:

  • processing your registration for tours, tournaments and competitions;
  • providing you with confirmation of your flight booking and advising you of any changes to your itinerary;
  • varifying your identity when you participate in our tours, tournaments and competitions
  • addressing any feedback or complaints you may have;
  • answering any queries you may have;
  • developing and marketing our products and services;
  • conducting research about our products and services; and
  • Collecting payment from you for services or goods we supply to you.

If you do not provide us with your personal information, we will be unable to do one or more of the above (including being unable to accept any registration).

If you also subscribe to our mailing list, we may email to you updates about our products and services. If you do not wish to remain a subscriber to our mailing list or otherwise receive updates on our products and services, you are able to unsubscribe from our mailing list via our website, or by contacting Brisbane Central Futsal directly.

6. Exchange of personal information with third parties

Personal information we collect from you may be disclosed:

  • to any entity to which we are required or authorised by or under law to disclose such information (for instance, law enforcement agencies and investigative agencies, courts, various other government bodies);
  • to our affiliates, other related entities, contractors or agents for the purposes set out in the section above entitled “How your personal information will be used”, or for other purposes directly related to the purpose for which the personal information is collected;
  • to others in the event of a medical emergency;
  • to others that you have been informed of at the time any personal information is collected from you;
  • to your team members if you are registering as part of a team
  • to our business associates and others for purposes directly related to the purpose for which the personal information is collected;
  • to our professional advisors and other contractors (for example IT consultants) or
  • with your consent (express or implied), to others.

Such disclosure may include the transfer of your personal information between Australia and our representatives in other countries to which we have organised an overseas tour and in which you are participating. You consent to your personal information being disclosed to these overseas recipients unless you advise the Privacy Officer otherwise.  Please note that if you do not authorise us to transfer your personal information, it may limit the services we can provide to you or may prevent us from supplying services to you.

We may also obtain personal and other information from some or all of the third parties listed above to enable us to provide our services or products to you. When we obtain personal and other information from third parties whom we are referred to by you, we will assume and you will ensure that you have made that third party aware of the referral of the persons and purposes involved in the collection, use and disclosure of the relevant personal or other information.

7. Use and disclosure of personal information by us

If we use or disclose your personal information for a purpose (the “secondary purpose”) other the main reason for which it was originally collected (the “primary purpose”), to the extent required by law, we will ensure that:

  • the secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose of collection (and directly related in the case of sensitive information), and you would reasonably expect that we would use or disclose your information in that way; or
  • you have consented to the use or disclosure of your personal information for the secondary purpose; or
  • the use or disclosure is required or authorised by or under law; or
  • the use or disclosure is otherwise permitted by law (for example, as a necessary part of an investigation of suspected unlawful activity).

8. Employment Applications

Generally, the type of personal information we collect about you is the information included in your application, for example, your name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, career history, education details or other information relating to your career.

In considering your application, we may also obtain personal information about you from third parties, for example, from your previous employers or nominated referees. We may also collect sensitive information about you such as information about your health (including any disability) or any criminal record that you may have.

We collect personal information for any one or more of the following purposes:

  • Assess you for a position or positions with us or our related entities;
  • Assess whether you are suitable to progress to each stage of the recruitment process for a vacant position; or
  • Store your information for future job opportunities.

If you do not provide us with the information we seek, we will be unable to do one or more of the above.

We may disclose your personal information to:

  • organisations that conduct competency or psychometric tests;
  • referees or previous employers;
  • recruitment agencies or related entities acting on our behalf;
  • our related entities;
  • law enforcement agencies to verify whether you have a criminal record; or
  • educational or vocational organisations to the extent necessary to verify your qualifications.

If we engage third party contractors to perform services for us which involves handling personal information we will take reasonable steps to prohibit the contractor from using personal information except for the purposes for which it was supplied.

9. Collection of information other than personal information

If you visit our website, some of the information we and/or our contractors collect about your visit to our website is not personal information because it does not reveal your identity. Information of this nature can include:

10. Site visit information

If you visit our website, we and/or our contractors collect general information about your visit which may include your server address, the date and time of your visit, the pages you accessed, the information you downloaded and the type of Internet browser you used.

We and/or our contractors may use this information in anonymous, aggregated form, for statistical purposes only, to assist us in improving the quality and usability of our website.

11. Cookies

A cookie is a small string of information that a website transfers to your browser for identification purposes. The cookies we and/or our contractors use may identify individual users.

Cookies can either be “persistent” or “session” based. Persistent cookies are stored on your computer, contain an expiration date, and are mainly for the user’s convenience. Session cookies are short-lived and are held on your browser’s memory only for the duration of your session, they are used only during a browsing session, and expire when you quit your browser.

We and/or our contractors may use both session and persistent cookies. This information may be used to personalise your current visit to our and our contractors’ websites. Upon closing your browser, the session cookie is destroyed.

Most Internet browsers can be set to accept or reject cookies. If you do not want to accept cookies, you can adjust your Internet browser to reject cookies or to notify you when they are being used. However, rejecting cookies may limit the functionality of our website.

12. Collection of personal information from children

Brisbane Central Futsal hosts general audience sites and does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 18 without verifiable parental consent. If you are under the age of 18, please do not provide us with personally identifiable information of any kind whatsoever.  If your child provides us with personally identifiable information, you may contact our Privacy Officer to delete this information from our records.  The only exception to this is where we need to obtain information on players under the age of 18 for junior futsal competition purposes. Such information would include name, address, age, phone number and email address of the player.

13. Access and correction of your personal information

You can ask to obtain access to your personal information that we and/or our contractors hold, although under some circumstances permitted by law, we may not provide such information to you. Also, we may not be able to require our contractors to provide personal information to you.

We may ask you to put your request in writing and pay a reasonable fee levied by us for providing you with the information you have requested.

We may also ask you to provide us with some proof of identification before releasing or correcting your personal information.

It is important to us that the personal information we hold about you is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you are aware that this is not case and would like to correct your personal information, or simply desire access to your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer.

We will deal with your request within a reasonable time and, if we decide not to correct or provide you with access to your personal information, we will give you our reasons for our decision.

14. Site Security Policy

Our website uses up-to-date technology to maximise the security of your personal information. Technology such as Secure Site Certificates and Secure Socket Layers ensure your information is secure as possible.

Using supported browsers and plugins also plays a part in your Website Security. For information on supported Browsers and Plugins check the minimum requirements in our FAQ.

15. Method of Sale

There are three ways to register for a Brisbane Central Futsal tour, tournament or competition and these are:

  • Over the web using our on-line registration system
  • At a designated sign on at our playing centre
  • By email if for a tour

16. Complaints

If you have a complaint about the way we have dealt with your personal information, please contact us at the above telephone numbers and ask to speak with our Privacy Officer .

We will make all reasonable attempts to respond to your complaints or requests within a reasonable time after the complaint or request was made.

17. Updates to Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time. If we do so, we will post the amended Privacy Policy on our website (mentioned above) so that you will always be aware of how we manage your personal information.

18. Further information

Please contact our Privacy Officer if you have any queries about the personal information that we hold about you or the way we handle that personal information.

19. Privacy Officer Contact Details

Privacy Officer

Brisbane Central Futsal

[email protected]


Subscribe for the latest news, competitions and events:


Registration Form – Brisbane Central Futsal

We are excited to announce term 4 leagues kicking off early October and being played at Camp Hill State School. 

  • Junior League will be played Saturday’s 
  • Don’t forget to bring a water bottle.
  • Champions and Runners-Up will be awarded medals at the completion of the Grand Final for each age group.

Player Details

Payment Details

Commonwealth Bank - Account Name: Maria Contoudios - Centre BSB: 064 130 - Number: 107 898 48. - Kindly reference player's surname

I hereby grant permission to Brisbane Central Futsal/ Fire FC representatives, to take and use photographs and/or digital images of me or my child for use in:

1 – Media releases, media articles – including newspapers, radio, television, printed publications and/or educational materials relevant to Brisbane Central Futsal/ Fire FC,
2 – Electronic publications and communications such as Brisbane Central Futsal/ Fire FC or affiliated  social media pages  and websites,
3 – I agree that my or my child’s name and identity may be revealed in descriptive text or commentary in connection with the image(s),
4 – I authorise the use of these images without compensation to me.

All negatives, prints, digital reproductions shall be the property of Brisbane Central Futsal/ Fire FC.



1. We will not allow harm to be caused to children and young people.
2. We will not cause harm to children and young people in our care.
3. We will eliminate, or else minimise, harm to children or young people in our care.
4. We will support children and young people who are victims or potential or suspected victims of harm.
5. We will report harm to children and young people to relevant authorities, regardless of who has caused the harm.   

In the running of a typical Brisbane Central Futsal/Fire FC event, the following forms of harm are most likely to occur:
1. A player running and tripping, causing physical harm.
2. A player getting hit by a ball, causing injury.

Brisbane Central Futsal/ Fire FC has appointed nominated persons (Maria Contoudios, Efraim Ferdinand) to handle incidents involving children and young people.  All incidents (actual or perceived) are to be reported directly to the nominated person either verbally or in writing and the nominated person must ensure the confidentiality of the complainant and other parties (e.g. child or young person and the alleged perpetrator).

The nominated person will evaluate the incident and respond with one or more of the following actions:
• Make changes to a service or activity and allow it to proceed or suspend or permanently stop it.
• Remove or replace the volunteers or employees who are providing or conducting the service or activity, subject to further investigation.
• Facilitate appropriate medical, counselling or other assistance to children and young people.
• Report the matter to relevant statutory or regulatory authority such as the Department of Child Safety or the Queensland Police Service. 
• The nominated person will record incidents reported to him/her, the action taken and other relevant details in the Incident Register (the Incident Register will be kept securely on the premises and only able to be accessed by authorised personnel).

Brisbane Central Futsal/ Fire FC will notify the parents/guardians of the children and young people about the incident if it is a major incident only (any minor injury or fall will be dealt with by the coach or relevant staff). Parents will be notified during pick up and where practicable, extend to them the appropriate level of support. Brisbane Central Futsal/ Fire FC will act fairly and reasonably towards all parties involved and will cooperate with relevant statutory or regulatory authorities in the event of an investigation. Brisbane Central Futsal/ Fire FC will put in place mechanisms such as an active monitoring program (in addition to implementing corrective measures) to ensure the incident does not reoccur.

I wish to register myself/my child in the Fire FC School Program herein after referred to as the “Program”). I hereby:

– Understand that there are potential and unforeseeable risks that may be associated with the program, which may result in injury whilst participating.   

 – Understanding the potential risks associated with the program, I agree to indemnify, release and discharge the Brisbane Central Futsal/ Fire FC and/or partners from all liability for any injury, loss, damage or costs/expenses caused, arising or incurred through my child’s participation.   

 – Acknowledge that Brisbane Central Futsal/ Fire FC & its staff/volunteers will take all reasonable care during the course of the program & I will not hold them responsible for any damage/loss to property and/or accidents. 

 – Authorise Brisbane Central Futsal/ Fire FC and its employees/volunteers to act on my behalf should I/my child require medical attention during the course of the program and indemnify them from any legal action in the cause of rendering myself/my child the assistant.

–  Confirm to the best of my knowledge that I/my child does not suffer from any medical condition other than those listed above.

Contact Number: